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Quality Advice and Consultancy

Our Values

We deliver infrastructure project success because:


We treat every business opportunity with honesty, integrity and diligence and we evaluate the opportunity in light of our Value statement

We attract skilled, dedicated and loyal employees by living out our Value statement

The customers of our business are employees and their families, suppliers and clients.

We prefer to partner with customers who share our values

We know that keeping a good client is the catalyst for success in our business

By success, we mean that we have contributed to the achievement of our Vision while living out our Value statement

We are excellent at tailoring our services and resources to the clients needs

Our key to success is our people, their commitment to the company and their skills

Company Profile

JPM Global is an innovative and dynamic Project Management and Business Consultancy providing professional services to a wide variety of industrial sectors including Ports and

Terminal Infrastructure, Marine , Energy and Mining Industries.

Our business approach is to work collaboratively with client representatives at all levels of the

organisation to deliver quality products and services with results that exceed their expectations.

There are three primary divisions within JPM Global Group being :

Project Management section- specialising in project delivery and delivery systems

Marine Consultancy section - specialising in ROV inspections and marine surveying

Resources Consultancy section - provision of specialised personnel and consultants for industry

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